True Essence Living has been created to teach, support and guide you through your experience of life and offers you the choice of living with ease and grace as an alternative to resistance and conflict.
Teaching you simple methods and tools to understand your physical, emotional and mental bodies and how they are influenced by your energy body giving you a clear understanding of how we create and live our lives as well as how to identify and correct any imbalances quickly and easily while going about your daily living.
True Essence Living empowers you to use your experiences and interactions as the clues they are to connect fully with your True Essence and then express and share it with the world.
By fully knowing ourselves beyond just our physical self and looking at our thoughts, emotions and what it is that is determining them, we unlock a new way of experiencing life. We fully recognise and understand all the resources we have within us and outside of us, what we need to feel fulfilled in our everyday life and what it is that we receive that from.
We shift out of blame and victim and into confident and empowered as we go through our everyday life with absolute clarity, easily identifying the nuggets of gold within each moment and the experiences and interactions involved.
My name is Patti Higgins and I am mum to 2 beautiful little girls and wife to one of my greatest team mates. We are both from large families which we are super close with and love catching up with.
Nurturing, supporting and guiding, light me up within which is why I know I'm living my purpose and my True Essence in bringing this work into the world to help others.
I am an Intuitive Energy Master + Mentor, Master EFT Practitioner and Intuitive Success Coach. I combine each of these skills to offer a unique and holistic approach to support you in living life by helping you to release the stuck energies and emotions from your physical, emotional, mental and energy bodies and the stresses they bring to your system as a whole being. This approach creates space for your whole system to destress and allows you to operate in clarity bringing you the resources to create success and harmony in all areas of living whether it be communication, health, money, relationships etc.
I teach you how to do this for yourself by helping you know who you are and how you work.
Late 2015 I became extremely ill with a bad flu which my little girl also had, I died as the sack the heart sits in had filled with so much fluid it stopped my heart from working. I was blessed that my heart stopped moments after arriving at emergency and the team there were able to figure out what had happened and quickly set to correcting it resulting in my being here today.
Because of this experience and mostly seeing my husband and little girl watch me die at the end of my bed, shifted a massive block i had in place for most of my life and I realised i hadn’t done what i came here to do and that if i didn’t make it back ,my little girl and those i’m here to help would not have the tools i have gathered to help them on their journey.
I used all the tools and resources that i am sharing with you to have this experience be a blessing and i have made a full recovery with no damage to my heart.
Before that I had spent 13 years mostly bedridden as my immune system and adrenal systems had stopped functioning and there was no treatment. This was a blessing as it created the space I needed to fully heal and know who I am and how I actually work. During this time I became an expert on all that is me and am fluent in the language of energy as that was where my healing began to take shape.
So with that fire lit within me, here i am today with all my tools and resources that i have gathered through my experiences that were designed to help me grow and that i have definitely done. I am showing up fully to help you along your journey to know exactly who you are and how you work to help you become the expert on you.
Each of us have value and gifts to share and all that we need to find it is to look within with the same curiosity we have when we meet another for the first time, the same openness to the discovery of who they are.
So if you would like support for your journey of living a life fulfilled knowing who you are and sharing it in each moment sign up below to my beautiful tribe.