Having trouble sleeping? Learn a simple energetic tool to help you unwind.
Do you sometimes feel like there's so much information coming towards you that it just creates a feeling of overwhelm, or like you just...

Why self love needs to be a priority, especially for you!
Self love is one of the most selfless acts we can perform yet we struggle with it & it needs to be a priority for everyone. We often feel...

What will you allow yourself to be, do & have this year?
Achieving your goals can only happen when you can recognise what's stopping you from doing so. It's so much simpler than you think,

Are you having one of those days? Find out what's going on and how to clear it!
Do you ever have those days when you wake up feeling off for no apparent reason? You're unsure of what's actually got you feeling th

Are you sabotaging your own happiness? Find out if and why you are
Are you sabotaging yourself from actually being truly happy and fulfilled? Could you even recognise it if you were? Most often you're...

How to cope when your world's turned upside down
Have you ever had an experience that made you feel like everyone and everything has completely changed? You somehow feel totally...

The simple method to end your struggle with overwhelm
Overwhelm is a defence mechanism to stop you moving forward when your patterns believe you'll be unsafe if you do. Overwhelm can be avoided

Tired of not feeling supported? Change it with this simple technique!
How are your interactions? Do they sometimes leave you feeling let down or feeling like your needs aren’t being met? Do you feel people...

Do you struggle with loving and accepting your body? Finally uncover the block creating it!
Do you worry how others perceive you? Do you hide from photos? Do you struggle with looking in the mirror and loving what you see? Do you...

Waiting for approval? You’ll be waiting forever with this block!
Are you always looking for others to approve of you? For them to say “you’re doing great", “you look perfect” or “you’re such a good...