


What is your Soul desiring you to create now?
Is she desiring you to bring through your own unique body of work to share with clients?
Does she have an offer to bring through but you can't seem to make it real or find clarity around it?
Maybe it's a new way of taking clients through a session or it's a new program or package?
Join me one on one
in the Sacred Legacy Codes Temple for a supercharged Sacred Soul Work Mapping + Actualisation journey to download + activate your Sacred Soul work in every dimension and land it beautifully in your body as template so you can be a potent vessel for it to become real on the Earth as a foundational service which you can build your offers from in your Sacred Soul Business.
Is this you now?
You know that you're meant for more but you've got no idea what that actually looks like as a body of work.
You feel called to bring through your unique body of Soul work but you're having trouble knowing exactly what your Soul work looks like in the world as an offering.
You know you have potent magic to share but it's not clear to you yet how you share it in sessions.
You need help mapping your work & your process so you can see it in sacred flow through your sessions & you know exactly what you're offering.
You're ready to fully claim your Soul gifts, their potency & their value!
You're done hiding & want to help others with your beautiful Soul gifts!
You're ready to devote yourself to your Soul work & the magic it's here to ignite in others.
Did I hear you say "YES!"and want to know how I can help?

Well beautiful Soul, I'm your secret weapon for creating and birthing your Soul offering in the quickest, easiest, aligned and most fun of ways because this is where my mastery is.
You see, I hang out in the Soul field all day every day, moving between my own and others, so I had to master my intuitive energy skills, at first to be able to function in the world and then so I could help others with their own journey and that's exactly what I do.
I read your energy in all it's frequencies and map them all the way through the Soul field which we then go through the process of creating a clear structure right throughout the Soul field and into the 3D, while alchemising everything that meets us with resistance.
This creates a clear and energised channel for your Souls desire to be expressed through you as the vessel and into the world to make the greatest impact she's here to make with her legacy.
I'm not about spending heaps of time energising old pain stories, I absolutely honour and hold space for them as we move through and evolve them on your energetic journey but I follow the energy that takes us straight to the place of origin of what's not in alignment for you getting the change you want and then quantum shift it, bring it into Soul alignment and supercharge it so you can keep moving forward in the new energy we bring through to resource you.
You know this journey is for you if
you feel a call to share your message with the world and this creates Nervousness yet excitement at the thought of stepping into the role you know you're meant to show up in and to create a life of greater joy and contribution.

How does this work?

We'll begin with a
1.5hr Sacred Soul Work Mapping + Activation call then
1x1hr Legacy Code Alignment + Activation call every 2nd week
1x weekly 10 minute Voxer (voice messaging support) session over our 10 week 1:1 journey together.
In simple terms, we'll read your energy around how your Soul desires to express her magic through you and how she desires that to look in the form of your sessions or other offerings, so you'll have a clear template for how you show up with clients now that you've got your core foundational work mapped as a session, which you'll then build your offerings and packages around.
In energetic terms, we'll begin by mapping your individual Soul Work offering template in it's most pure form by getting the codes right from your legacy's original point of creation which we then install within each layer of your Soul field including your physical body, this forms the foundations of your template.
We then build upon these foundations in your Sacred Soul work template by collecting ALL the codes of your how your gifts need to flow through your field to honour your Sacred Soul Legacy and these are collected right throughout the different frequencies of YOUR Sacred Legacy portal which we bring all the way back into your physical body, landing them fully here as a template to activate.
We activate this template by creating pathways and lighting them up with life force energy, again, this is done right through each layer of your Soul field including your body and its' survival response template.
Now that we've installed and activated your Sacred Soul work template, we begin the journey of expanding the flow of energy through it by identifying and alchemising pain stories that are slowing the flow of energy through the pathways of your Souls expression of your radiant Soul gifts in the form of your Sacred Soul work.
These sessions are pure magic and the shifts are light speed.
It's important to know that when you make the decision to be done with your old ways of being, your Soul begins to show you all the ways that you've been playing out your pain stories and letting them create your life.
You'll need to hold yourself accountable for recognising when you're in a pain story that's keeping you stuck and when it's your Soul being expressed so you can choose to shift it or to embody and expand it further which is something I teach you right from your very first session.
I'll teach you the skills that will be specific to your system, during our calls and you'll become a master at recognising and shifting your pain stories around that area that you've been stuck in, as well as how to align and supercharge your energies with what supports you.
These calls are life changing because you're learning powerful intuitive and energetic skills unique to your system and will be able to apply them in other areas of your life as well, how awesome is that!!
So if this all lights you up and you're ready to leap into your Sacred Legacy and let it become your life's work with me fully holding and guiding you, then join me now and let's get started!
Payment plans are available also.
So much love,
Patti xoxo